Privacy Policy

If you don’t mind using cookies, please continue browsing without changing your preferences. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your computer that help websites remember your preferences and interests, allowing them to deliver personalized content. By continuing to browse, we assume you agree to our use of cookies. These cookies help us understand your preferences and interests, allowing us to provide a better browsing experience for you. Rest assured, your information will be kept confidential as long as you adhere to our policy and it will never be shared with third parties. We may occasionally update this policy to keep it current.

Internet Security
Our top priority is ensuring your safety. We have implemented various measures, both physical and digital, to protect your information. In addition, our team of skilled managers oversees these security protocols.

Browser Files
A key element in our user-friendly website is the use of cookies. These small files help track your activity, allowing for a more personalized browsing experience. Cookies also enable websites to perform efficiently and provide useful insights. By collecting and storing your preferences, our site can cater to your specific needs and wants.

Tracking and Analysis
In order to improve our services, we use cookies to keep track of the pages you visit. This helps us understand traffic patterns and make necessary improvements for our customers. Rest assured that this data is utilized solely for our own analysis and is deleted from our system once it has served its purpose.

Limiting Sharing of Your Information

Please note that if you click on a link that takes you away from our site, we are no longer in control of your personal information. We cannot guarantee the security and privacy of your data when visiting external websites, as they are not covered by this statement. It is important to take precautions and review the privacy policy of any website you visit.

Ways to Control Your Information

There are various options available to restrict the collection and usage of your personal information:

When filling out a form, look for a checkbox that allows you to indicate that you do not want your data used for marketing purposes.

We will not share or disclose your sensitive information to third parties unless we receive your permission or are legally required to do so.

From time to time, we may use your personal information to send you promotional materials about third parties that we believe may be of interest to you. However, this will only happen if you have indicated that you would like to receive such information.